Naichau Kamo PV

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Naichau Kamo PV

Post by sadude »

The PV is now up on Dohhh UP!. It's As For One Day meets Egao Yes Nude meets Pepper Keibu('s dance)! <img src=' ... /weeeh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':weeeh:' /> (The song is up on the radio, also.)

The song was nothing special when I first heard it, but it keeps growing on me the more I listen. As with any dance-y H!P songs, it feels like it'll sound better with the full CD quality as opposed to a radio or PV preview.

I'm not sure what to think of the PV yet, but I'm leaning towards the negative. The PV seemed sort of nice, but the dance and outfits kinda killed it for me. The former is awkward and too energetic for the song, while the latter are questionable. The girls all looked good, at least

(It's late and I'm not being coherent. So,) What'd you think?
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Tsuki »

It's okay. Not spectacular, not horrible, just okay. The only memorable bits in it was the "naichau kamo" cuz it was repeated ad infinitum in the song (which is not really a good thing) and the rifts between lyrics (which was a good thing). I like the melody and think it would probably be better if it wasn't such a Takahashi/Reina driven song again. Their voices are really starting to bore me, they sound the same every single. I was excited to hear Sayumi sing, for god's sake.

Perhaps it'll grow on me as well, most of MM's singles do, but first impression = meh.
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Solitudity »

I'm the same. The song isn't anything special to me. But I said the same thing about Mikan, so I know I'll love it in the end! And Sayu finally gets to sing since... two short lines in Mikan?

As for the PV... I think Koharu was the only one who didn't look like a drowned rat. Aika was super cute in her close-ups too. She's really settling into her look. I think LinLin got the least screen time though. =/

I love that this is the emo, umbrella-less As For One Day. Instead of being sad from breaking up, they're devastated. So much that the only way to show their pain is to stand soaking in the rain with no umbrellas. <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':puppyeyes:' /> Or something like that.
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by neshcom »

From the n-BBS:

I like the PV and the song is growing on me a bit, but I agree with Moralar that the dance is pretty bad. Half the time they're doing that little walking thing, the other half they're doing their solo singing. It's the epitome of an "idol factory" dance. Absolutely no character, no personality. The cutaways are nice and show a good step forward in their PV production. It's really obvious that the girls are green-screened (see Eri half transparent at 1:36). The rain looks really fake, but the staging of both the cutaways and the dance scene are nice. It's better than "here'sapuddlegodanceeeee"...anent Blue.

As for the girls (I mentioned this ealrier), but their singing is getting better (at least technically). It seems that the girls are trying to get more noticeable characters as well, at least visually. Aik's got her cute little hat and Takahashi is looking mature again and Koharu looks like a fully functional human being.
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Shoujo Q »

This song is boring and this PV is the first time I've heard the song in full, but I've caught myself a few times already humming along to the chorus like I've known this song forever, which I might have, it's like I've heard it before or something. But let me tell you, this song is far higher in my list then some of the older Morning Musume songs, but it isn't high in my list either. I doubt this song charts well at all to tell you the truth, unless there's some serious Morning Musume pimpage in the next few weeks. It all just makes me a little sad because I know it sucks, but I can't wait to see what they'll do next to see if it sucks more or less. <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':puppyeyes:' />

I like to call the PV on the other hand, "One Day the Blue Pepper Smiled Nudely oh Kamo Kamo!!"

The first time I watched the full PV, I was done with it at the half way mark and wondered, what can I be doing now? Hmm, haven't I seen this already?

My big pet peeve, Why are they crying in the middle of the pouring rain at night in the city. This is like Resonant Blue (Another Version), a few minutes later after a rainstorm blew through the city.

Out of all the girls, only a few of them can understand the directors phrase of cry like you mean it and surprisingly it's Koharu and Junjun, but then Junjun has no problem when it comes to crying. Reina looks like someone stole her lines, and Aika seems like she wants to go kick someone in the ass (which I think might be Tsunku or someone in mangaement for the total lack of 8th Generation love.) Linlin's off in hiding so I can't comment on her, I saw her a bit in the dance shot and does manage to make it into the close up near the end in her lovely George Wasington wig.

The dancing is mechanic and unfortunelty in one of the few shots I can remember it's Linlin who proves me right with some pretty robotic moves. Poor girl.

I'm very happy that Eri and Sayumi are finally given some lines, a little less for Sayumi since she actually can't sing, but hey it's better then Koharu barking at me. <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Not that she barks, it more of a fog horn really but it sounds better to say barking at me then it does to say, fog horning at me. D:

At least dance shot outfits aren't bad, I actually like them for once. Though I can do without the uniforms, can someone make a Morning Musume PV/Single without the girls looking like each other and give them more variety? Please? Is it that expensive to let the girls dress themselves, really?

And the glass in front of them in the close up shots, new and different. Really, I don't think I've seen that done yet in a H!P PV. (Someone prove me wrong!)

That's all I have, damn I missed the BBS. I haven't been able to rant about something in quite awhile. D:
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Zounder »

The song is pretty nice, not among my favorites (at least for now) but it's definitely fun to listen to. I've always tended to like the dance-y songs from MM.

The best part is the repetition of "Kamo."

As for the video, I really like the atmosphere, even if it does look like the same area from Resonant Blue on a rainy day! I feel like the outfits fit the song well, as does the dance. Whenever i hear a song I like, I sometimes start to imagine what I think the music video should look like, and in this case, the PV and dance ended up really similar to how i pictured it would look like.

However, the crying scenes... while I suppose they are fitting for the song, they just look weird. It kinda makes me cringe every time the video cuts to one of those scenes.

So overall, good song, alright PV.

(Hey, first post.)
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Tsujiji »

I really enjoyed the song. It grew on me the more I listened to it. Reina makes froggy faces though.

And I would love to see a PV with a budget for once. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same strand of silver mylar streamers from Egao Yes Nude, Onna ni Sachi Are and Pepper Keibu. (Did I miss any? <img src=' ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> )

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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by moralar »

The sidestepping/clapping thing at the very beginning of the PV reminds me of Iroppoi Jirettai, which is actually a bad thing since the IJ choreography was about a million times better and actually matched both the song and the outfits. Perhaps this is partially the fault of the camerawork, but Naichau...'s dance seems very confined and boxed-in despite the its frenetic movements -- combined with the aggressive synthiness of the arrangement, it's as if I were watching them all play DDR singles mode simultaneously. In fact, I demand an alternate version of this PV where they are stepping on flashing blue and pink arrows.
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Bri »

I love this song, even better than Resonant Blue which I thought would be hard to top. Everyone's singing has really improved, and I actually liked the PV a lot. It wasn't just a dance shot like their last two singles and the crying scenes were well done, kinda. Some girls just looked really awkward while "crying" (hi Reina) but some were really good like Ai, Jun Jun and Koharu. Koharu looked gorgeous in her scenes. The place where the dance shot was filmed was really nice I thought, the umbrellas around the set were really creative. Now that I read these posts, the PV kinda reminds me of some other past Morning Musume PVs, but I won't compare them because so far, this is a really solid release in my opinion (so far). <img src=' ... /weeeh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by madlandyman »

I see lots of old MM pv's in this one, also lots of C-ute and Berryz pv's,(the staggered dancing, the similar moves), which is no bad thing.

I see it as a whole re-branding for H!P, now that Eldar Club are moving on to new things they are taking the 3 remaining groups and giving them complimentary styles so that you can tell straight away its H!P.

Hopefully we will have a good push to get new fans and then more diversity in the groups again.

Or the Choreographer is lazy and has run out of ideas.

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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by tsukinobyouin »

It's alright. I'm not in love with it, but I don't hate it. It might grow on me I suppose. I think I'd like it better if the instrumental wasn't the same synth line over and over. I actually like the PV overall. The costumes were good, everyone looked pretty, and they did a nice job of mixing the angsty lyrics and semi-dance beat visually. The dance is pretty lame, but not their worst. The crying scenes were okay. Reina looks absolutely rediculous pouting like a 4 year old who just got her toy taken away, as does Aika looking bratty rather than sad. Ai, Risa, and Eri look sad, but a kind of ugly sad where your lip curls all up. I suppose that's realistic though, when people cry in real life it's not actually pretty XD JunJun, Koharu, and Sayumi do the best job of looking pretty-sad, although Sayu's constant hand on her chest is kind of overdone. LinLin is like Sir Not Appearing In This Film, I don't remeber her at all.

The Takahashi/Reina takeover is getting old, even though I love Takahashi's voice. As someone else said, it makes all of their recent songs kind of blend together. I'm glad they let Sayumi sing rather than Koharu, but her voice is so cutesy and out of place in this song. Even next to Reina wailing away she sounds too cutesy. Yay for Eri getting lines as well, but she didn't sound as good as she has recently. She's got the Reina-squeek going on at the end of her lines. =/
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by freezingkiss »

I like it! The big Eri line is awesome as well. It's a semi-impressive PV, which is good. Hardly any Risa, which is bad. But hardly any Koharu either, which is good. So it has its ups and downs but all-in-all it's pretty good! ^^
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by singsing »

JunJun pretty much looked amazing in the PV, especially standing out there in the rain crying. Did anybody else want to give her a nice big hug? I'm not a big fan of the repetitive "kamo kamo kamo kamo" though.
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by AEUGNewtype »

Wow, this is really bad. The generic synth sounds are generic as hell and sound really artificial. The outfits and dance are bad. The song is somewhat tolerable, and definitely not anything I'd even feel like listening to twice but its not like TURN THAT SHIT OFF NOW. Par for the course, I suppose. The repeated "kamo" thing is actually kinda cool cause it reminds me of Country Musume's "Bye Bye" where they repeat it with a really similar beat at the end of the chorus.
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Lovely »

Takahashi feelin' up her jacket and hair at 2:27-2:29. <img src=' ... ebleed.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by EmEl »

I like skirts, thighs, and wet girls.

(And who doesn't love crying girls?)

So what's wrong with this video? It's boring. Can anyone make an interesting video? I know it's easier to just cut from a dance to a non-dance back-and-forth rather than actually paying a director.

It took me a while to decide on my feelings for the song. It isn't bad, but I wouldn't call it good. The song is poppy, but not catchy. The music itself is annoying. While listening to the song, I start liking it as it ends, but revert to not caring about it if I start it up again.

Was the dancing good? I can't judge choreography, but maybe it had that going for it.

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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by mia-p »

GAWD with every PV release I feel like I'm watching the same video over and over again except there's a costume and prop/background change (sometimes the background is still the same) >_< ...and they all make the same faces and expressions <img src=' ... tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sideways:' />

Wow! in this new video they have a hose being sprinkled on them and they dance in front of the same silver streamers that were in Egao YES Nude, Ambitious! Yashinteki de Ii Jan, and GaM's Thanks PV. ...and why fishnet stockings ??? Even the costumes look like something they've done before >_<


I know I'm stating the obvious but AHHH when will it end? I can't believe people pay money for the single V 's ....

I just want to see something different! Even with a low budget they can still do something original, its called being creative.

There's still some potential left I think :/
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Madara »

Forgive me if I like the last two or three C-ute and Berryz videos much better. And what's with that crying-in-the-rain routine? This lineup is simply not cut out for crying in the rain. All I could think as I watched it was how much better it was when shuffle unit Sexy 8 (Maki, Rika, Yossi, Mari, Michiyo, Ayaka, Masae, Mai) did it in "Shiawase desu ka?" back in 2002. Remember that one?:

Anyway, I'd still like to see the Dance Shot version.
Last edited by Madara on Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by Shoujo Q »

Close-up Version

Another Version (Unless you study the Original PV, you wont know why this is Another version like I did when I first saw this.) Yay we can has different camera angles?

New PVs are out with the singles. Joyz!

Dance Shot will be released on the PV Single.
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Re: Naichau Kamo PV

Post by ostrich »

See now, they should have released this song for Valentine's Day. <img src=' ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sideways:' />

Regarding the new versions of the PV, I actually like the "Another Version" more than the original version... it actually has more focus of the girls standing in the rain, which I found to be the more interesting part of the video (as opposed to their dance).